for machine controls in industrial and manufacturing processes, in building management technology, timing programs for traffic control systems as well as for use in pumps or filter systems. The LOGO! 230 RCE - 6ED1052-1FB08-0BA0 logic module is used e. In addition, user-defined web pages can be stored as visualizations. The integral web server applications allow wireless monitoring and control via smartphone, tablet or PC. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. Siemens Logo 230rc Programming Manual Yeah, reviewing a book siemens logo 230rc programming manual could amass your near contacts listings. Moreover, it can communicate with other modules of the LOGO! series and SIMATIC S7 devices. Software LOGO Logic Module - Siemens Global. The LOGO! 230/24 RCE - 6ED1052-1FB08-0BA0 logic module with display is programmable via Ethernet interface.
The device has 8 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs (relays) available. Up to 400 function blocks can be processed.
LOGOSoft Comfort is the programming software for PCs. For further informa-tion on programming the LOGO on your PC, with the PC in the Online Help for LOGOSoft Comfort. The LOGO! 230/24 RCE - 6ED1052-1MD08-0BA0 logic module from Siemens with colour-changeable display in 3 colours has the protection rating IP20 and works with a power supply of 115/230 V AC. The wiring information in your LOGO manualis also found in the LOGO Product Info included with all devices.